Unlicensed operation means driving without a license. Anyone who drives in Massachusetts needs a valid driver’s license., it is a crime in Massachusetts. Also, Police have the right to arrest anyone driving without a license. Massachusetts law requires anyone who lives there for more than 30 days have a Massachusetts driver’s license.
Attorney Donovan has helped many people fight their unlicensed operation charge. Attorney Patrick Donovan is often able to negotiate with the Assistant District Attorney to get the best result in an unlicensed case.
What is the penalty for driving without a license in Massachusetts?
Driving without a Ma. license is punishable by a misdemeanor conviction of a $100 fine. Also, the RMV may also suspend your right to get a license for a period of time.
Unlicensed Operation Case Results
Dorchester District Court
A foreign student was charged with driving without a valid license. Also worth noting, this happened after she almost hit a Mass. State Trooper. The client had a show cause hearing. Attorney Donovan convinced the clerk not to issue the complaint. CASE DISMISSED.
Quincy District Court
The client, a citizen of Brazil, is cited for driving without a valid license. Also, she admits to the police that she lives in Massachusetts and does not have a valid license. In court, Attorney Donovan negotiates with the prosecutor to dismiss the charges on $100 in court costs. CASE DISMISSED.
Massachusetts Criminal Attorney Patrick T. Donovan fights to get the best results for all of his clients. Also, Attorney Donovan has experience fighting unlicensed operation charges in Boston and Massachusetts.