Domestic Violence
- Assault and Battery on a Family or Household Member
- Assault on a Family or Household Member
- Aggravated Assault and Battery
- Assault and Battery with A Dangerous Weapon
- Witness Intimidation
- Restraining Orders
- Restraining Order FAQs
- Harassment Protection Order
- Violation of Restraining Order
- Stalking
- Strangulation
- Assault
- Threats
- Criminal Harassment
- Annoying and Accosting Persons
- Kidnapping/ Unlawful Restraint
- Malicious Damage
- Larceny Over $1200
- Larceny Under $1200
- Shoplifting
- Larceny By Single Scheme
- Receiving Stolen Goods
- Utter False Check
- Possession with Intent to Distribute
- Straight Possession
- Trafficking
- School Zone
- Park Zone
- Carrying an illegal weapon
- Possession of a Firearm
- Negligent Operation
- License Suspended
- Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury
- Uninsured Motor Vehicle
- Unregistered Motor Vehicle
- Attaching Wrong Plates
- Massachusetts Road Racing
- Reckless Operation
- Failure to Obey Police Officer
- Use Without Authority
- Rape
- Statutory Rape
- Prostitution
- Indecent Assault and Battery
- Indecent Exposure
- Open and Gross Lewdness and Lascivious Behavior
Probation Violations