Massachusetts Criminal Attorney Patrick Donovan provides comprehensive criminal defense representation across a wide spectrum of offenses. Our practice areas encompass a diverse range of criminal charges, ensuring that clients receive expert legal counsel regardless of the nature of their case.
Areas of Criminal Defense
Violent Crimes: We vigorously defend clients accused of assault and battery, domestic violence, and other violent offenses. Our approach involves a thorough examination of the circumstances, challenging evidence, and protecting our clients’ rights throughout the legal process.
Drug Offenses: From possession to distribution charges, our firm has extensive experience in drug-related cases. We navigate the complexities of Massachusetts drug laws, exploring all possible defenses and alternatives to incarceration.
Theft Crimes: Whether facing shoplifting accusations or more serious larceny charges, our team provides strategic defense against theft-related offenses. We work diligently to minimize the impact on our clients’ records and futures.
Sex Crimes: These sensitive cases require a delicate and strategic approach. Our firm offers discreet, aggressive defense against various sex crime allegations, protecting our clients’ rights and reputations.
OUI/DUI: Driving under the influence charges can have severe consequences. We challenge breathalyzer results, field sobriety tests, and police procedures to build strong defenses for our clients.
White Collar Crimes: From fraud to embezzlement, we defend clients against complex financial crime allegations, leveraging our understanding of both criminal law and financial regulations.
Our criminal defense practice also extends to weapons charges, probation violations, and federal crimes. At the Law Office of Patrick J. Donovan, we are committed to providing robust, personalized defense strategies across this broad spectrum of criminal matters, ensuring that each client receives the dedicated representation they deserve in the face of serious legal challenges.
Domestic Violence
- Assault and Battery on a Family or Household Member
- Assault on a Family or Household Member
- Aggravated Assault and Battery
- Assault and Battery with A Dangerous Weapon
- Witness Intimidation
- Restraining Orders
- Restraining Order FAQs
- Harassment Protection Order
- Violation of Restraining Order
- Stalking
- Strangulation
- Assault
- Threats
- Criminal Harassment
- Annoying and Accosting Persons
- Kidnapping/ Unlawful Restraint
- Malicious Damage
- Larceny Over $1200
- Larceny Under $1200
- Shoplifting
- Larceny By Single Scheme
- Receiving Stolen Goods
- Utter False Check
- Larceny by False Pretense
- Possession with Intent to Distribute
- Straight Possession
- Trafficking
- School Zone
- Park Zone
- Carrying an illegal weapon
- Possession of a Firearm
- Negligent Operation
- License Suspended
- Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury
- Uninsured Motor Vehicle
- Unregistered Motor Vehicle
- Attaching Wrong Plates
- Massachusetts Road Racing
- Reckless Operation
- Failure to Obey Police Officer
- Use Without Authority
- Rape
- Statutory Rape
- Prostitution
- Indecent Assault and Battery
- Indecent Exposure
- Open and Gross Lewdness and Lascivious Behavior
Probation Violations