Road Racing in Massachusetts is a crime. There are two ways to prove this. The first is operating a motor vehicle on a bet or wager or in a race. The second is driving to set a record. According to Massachusetts law, a motor vehicle race occurs when two or more drivers enter into a competition to “excel in the rate of acceleration or in the speed of their respective vehicles.” It is a crime to both participate and to bet on such a race.
What Is Road Racing in Massachusetts?
Road racing otherwise known as drag racing means driving for the purpose of setting a record or for wagering or competition. You can be proven guilty of road racing if the circumstantial evidence is strong enough. In fact, there does not need to be direct evidence of an agreement to race, as long as the circumstances strongly indicate an intent to race followed by an actual race. Even if you were driving in an area without a posted speed limit, you can still be charged with road racing. Because so long as it occurred on a public way, as Massachusetts law requires you to operate at a reasonable speed.
Road Racing Penalties in Massachusetts
If you have received a citation for drag racing, call an experienced defense attorney immediately. This is not just a civil motor vehicle infraction; it is a crime. Even if you are able to resolve it by paying a fine, it will go on your criminal record and you can face a possible license suspension.

Massachusetts Road Racing Attorney
Massachusetts Criminal Attorney Patrick Donovan is a former prosecutor who both misdemeanor and felony crimes. Call Attorney Patrick Donovan to help you fight your criminal charge.
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