Get Immediate Legal Help – Protect Your Future
Domestic violence charges in Massachusetts can turn your life upside down overnight. Whether you’re facing accusations or have been arrested, the consequences can be life-changing. You need a skilled Massachusetts Domestic Violence Attorney who knows how to fight for your rights and your future.
Call Now for a Free Consultation – Your Freedom Matters
Don’t wait. Contact Attorney Patrick Donovan at 617 479-1800
Why Choose Attorney Patrick Donovan?

With almost twenty years of experience in Massachusetts domestic violence cases, Attorney Patrick Donovan has successfully defended clients against domestic violence charges across the state. He understands how prosecutors build cases and knows how to dismantle them piece by piece.
- Former Prosecutor with Insight on How the System Works
- Hundreds of Cases Successfully Defended
- Personalized Strategy for Your Unique Situation
- Aggressive Defense Focused on Protecting Your Rights
Understanding Domestic Violence Charges in Massachusetts
In Massachusetts, domestic violence charges can include assault, battery, threats, and restraining order violations. Convictions can lead to jail time, heavy fines, probation, and a permanent criminal record.
It’s crucial to know that even false accusations can result in arrest. Law enforcement often takes immediate action, and charges can move forward even without the alleged victim’s cooperation. That’s why having an experienced Massachusetts Domestic Violence attorney is essential.
What to Do After a Domestic Violence Arrest
If you’ve been arrested for domestic violence, follow these steps to protect your rights:
- Stay Silent – Anything you say can be used against you.
- Do Not Contact the Alleged Victim – Violating no-contact orders can make your situation worse.
- Reach Out to an Attorney Immediately – Time is critical. Call Massachusetts Domestic Violence Attorney Donovan for guidance.
Real Results: Winning Domestic Violence Cases
Attorney Donovan has a track record of success, including recent wins where charges were dismissed or reduced. One recent case involved a client accused of domestic assault and battery, facing serious jail time. After a thorough investigation and strategic defense, the case was dismissed, and the client walked free.
How Patrick Donovan Can Help
Massachusetts Domestic Violence Attorney Patrick Donovan approaches every case with precision and determination, gathering evidence, questioning witnesses, and building a strong defense strategy. He will:
- Challenge the Prosecution’s Evidence
- Examine Police Reports for Errors
- Identify Inconsistencies in Witness Statements
- Fight to Keep Your Record Clean
Frequently Asked Questions about Massachusetts Domestic Violence
What if the alleged victim doesn’t want to press charges?
In Massachusetts, prosecutors can pursue domestic violence charges even if the victim doesn’t cooperate. Having an attorney on your side is essential.
Can I fight a restraining order?
Yes, an attorney can help challenge the order in court, especially if it’s based on false accusations.
What penalties could I face if convicted?
Penalties vary but may include jail time, fines, probation, and mandatory counseling.
Can domestic violence charges be dropped?
Yes, but it depends on the circumstances and evidence. An experienced attorney can negotiate with prosecutors and challenge weak evidence.
Does My Spouse Have to Testify Against Me?
Never. A spouse has a constitutional right to refuse to testify against another spouse. Even if your spouse tells the police he or she does not want to press charges police must make an arrest.
Does the Police have to witness the assault in order to make an arrest?
For example, police officers are permitted to make an arrest even if they did not see the abuse firsthand.
What is Domestic Violence in Massachusetts?
Domestic violence is when there is violence between family members or roommates. Domestic violence cases are treated differently than other crimes.
Every police department in Massachusetts applies a zero-tolerance policy toward domestic violence. In fact, Massachusetts General Law c209A, § 6(7) authorizes police officers to make an arrest in a domestic violence investigation.
Anyone arrested for Domestic Violence cannot be released from police custody for at least 6-hours. It is a required cooling-off period. No other crimes have such a cooling-off period.
What Are Domestic Violence Crimes?
Assault and Battery on a Family or Household Member is domestic violence in Massachusetts.
- Violation of a Restraining Order
- Assault and Battery on a Family or Household Member
- Assault and Battery on Person Protected by an Abuse Prevention Order
- Aggravated Assault and Battery
- Assault and Battery
- Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon
- Threats
- Kidnapping/ Unlawful Restraint
- Intimidation of a Witness
- Malicious Destruction of Property
- Criminal Harassment
- Stalking
- Strangulation
What Are the Penalties for Domestic Assault and Battery?
The penalties for domestic assault and battery in Massachusetts are some of the strictest in the country. First, unlike in non-domestic violence situations, judges may impose pre-trial conditions on a person without their consent. That means a judge can order that some stay away and have no contact with the alleged victim while the case is ongoing.
People convicted of domestic violence will have the conviction noted on their criminal records. That can make it almost impossible to get or keep a job, housing, or even education opportunities in the future. That is in addition to possible jail time. The penalty for assault and battery in Massachusetts is two years in the House of Correction.
What is a Certified Batterers Program?
A Massachusetts Certified Batterers Program is a very intense program. Also, it is certified and monitored by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The program is specific to people involved in domestic violence. A batterer is a male or female-only group of not more than fifteen people. It consists of at least 40 weekly sessions of 1-2 hours a time, along with individual counseling.
Also, the Massachusetts Department of Health-certified batterers programs may charge up to $3500 per class. Also, it maintains a database of all people that attend the program. People who fail to complete the program may have their probation revoked and could go to jail. Certain convictions or continuation without a finding require a certified batters program.
What is an Anger Management Program?
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health does not regulate anger management classes. Also, anger management classes are not specific to domestic violence. Anger management classes are typically only 8-10 sessions. Anger management classes do not contact or work with the victim. These classes cost only a fraction of the certified batterers program and there is no statewide database.
How to Defend a Domestic Assault and Battery Case in Massachusetts?
A Massachusetts Domestic Violence Attorney experienced in domestic violence cases can immediately help. Also, a Massachusetts domestic violence lawyer can help you through the entire process and help you develop the best defense for a Massachusetts domestic violence charge. A Massachusetts Domestic Violence Attorney can help you by putting together the best defense for your domestic violence case.
A Massachusetts Domestic Violence Attorney can all possible defenses for your case. Examples of defenses are self-defense or defense of others. A Massachusetts Domestic Violence attorney can help you with any rights you or your spouse may have. A spouse never has to testify against another spouse in a criminal case.
Why Do Police Only Arrest One Person For Domestic Violence?
Police officers conduct an investigation of every domestic abuse allegation. They speak to the parties separately and interview any witnesses. Also, police officers should not arrest both parties. This applies even if they believe both parties were abusing one another. According to the Massachusetts Guidelines on Domestic Abuse, dual arrests trivialize the situation. It may increase the chances of further abuse. In these cases police determine who the “dominant aggressor” was and arrest that person. When police officers believe there is probable cause that an assault happened, they can make an arrest. They do not consider whether the victim will testify at a later date.
Protect Your Rights – Call Attorney Patrick Donovan Now
Time is critical when facing domestic violence charges. Call today to get started on your defense.
Your freedom and future are on the line. Massachusetts Domestic Violence Attorney Patrick Donovan is committed to providing you with the aggressive defense you deserve.