The Dedham District Court is located on High Street in Dedham. It serves the towns of:
- Dedham, Massachusetts
- Dover, Massachusetts
- Medfield, Massachusetts
- Norwood, Massachusetts
- Wellesley, Massachusetts
- Westwood, Massachusetts
Three judges normally sit at the court. One judge handles arraignments, probation violations, and pre-trial conferences. And, the other judges hear trials and civil business. Also, Jury trials are conducted there. Finally, Dedham also handles jury trials for Stoughton District Court and Brookline Municipal Court.
DUI OUI Lawyer
One of the most common cases that go to trial in the Dedham Court is for driving under the influence of alcohol otherwise known as OUI in Massachusetts. Because of that, the district attorneys have a lot of experience with drunk driving cases. So, if you or someone you know has been charged with OUI select a lawyer that is experienced. And, Attorney Donovan fights OUI charges in Dedham court and throughout Massachusetts.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a common charge. Crimes like assault, assault, and battery on a family or household member, or witness intimidation are common. Here, the District Attorney aggressively prosecutes domestic violence cases
In any domestic violence case, the Norfolk County District Attorney will try for a conviction. Also, prosecutors in Dedham have a policy not to dismiss domestic violence cases. Because of this, even if the victim wants to drop the charges the prosecution won’t.
Anyoneconvicted of a charge of domestic violence one faces jail time, probation, court fines, condition, anger management classes, or a certified batterer’s program. Because of the harsh penalties having an experienced criminal lawyer may make the difference in the outcome of the case.
Dedham District Court Criminal Defense
Massachusetts criminal lawyer Patrick Donovan an experienced criminal defense attorney. Before becoming a criminal defense lawyer he was a prosecutor in the Dedham Court. There, he was a Norfolk County Assistant District Attorney. There, he tried many cases before both judges and juries.
As a criminal defense attorney, he uses that experience for each of his clients. Patrick Donovan represents people charged with drunk driving, DWI, DUI, OUI, violent offenses, domestic violence, motor vehicle offenses, drug charges, and theft charges.