Speeding Ticket MA
After people have been given a speeding ticket in Massachusetts, they may be concerned with a variety of things, such as the fines they will have to pay or the major increases in insurance premiums. However, peoples’ greatest concern is usually losing their driver’s licenses. In Massachusetts, it is a very real concern, as traffic laws have become increasingly strict and the legal consequences even more severe. If you have been issued a speeding ticket in Massachusetts call Speeding Ticket Attorney Patrick Donovan for a free no-obligation consultation.

“Attorney Donovan was very professional and an expert at what he does. I have a bad driving record and he was able to work his magic and had my speeding ticket dismissed.
10/10 will definitely recommend!” – Johnson, Brookline Court
“I hired Mr. Donovan to represent me on a speeding ticket matter in Quincy in August 2013. It took the Magistrate less than a minute to find me not responsible after listening to Mr. Donovan’s presentation. At least 25 people were called ahead of me and many of them presented a very similar argument to the one I had prepared in my head if I did not have an attorney. The Magistrate still found them responsible. Hiring an attorney does make a difference and Mr. Donovan did the best job that can be done. Thank you, Mr. Donovan.” Jay, Quincy District Court
“Attorney Donovan represented me at a hearing for a speeding ticket I received last spring. When I got tickets in the past and tried to defend them myself the best result I could get was a reduced fine. After Attorney Donovan explained my circumstances to the clerk and had her review my past record, she found me not responsible for the ticket. It was the best result I could hope for! Money very well spent considering what he saved me with the cost of the ticket and, in the long run, the increased insurance premiums I faced.” Shannon, Woburn
“Attorney Donovan recently assisted me with a motor vehicle violation. When I contacted him, he listened carefully to my concerns. He told me what to expect when having my ticket reviewed by the clerk. His advice was excellent. I was one of the only people that was found not responsible that day. His fee was reasonable and well worth the cost. I hope I don’t need to, but would call Attorney Donovan again to represent me.” Laura, East Boston
Reviews From Real Clients
You have to fight your Massachusetts Speeding ticket. Even if a person is an out-of-state driver, they face many legal repercussions if they get a Massachusetts speeding ticket. Many states, including Massachusetts, will keep a record of all drivers’ traffic-related offenses including speeding tickets. This means that if a person from out of state gets a speeding ticket in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles can send information regarding the speeding ticket to the person’s resident state Department of Motor Vehicles. The resident state can then choose to press further charges against the out-of-state driver.
If you have been charged with a traffic violation, such as DUI, DWI, reckless driving, drug possession while operating a motor vehicle, driving without a license, driving without insurance, leaving the scene of an accident, hit and run accident, outstanding warrants for unpaid tickets, or multiple traffic infractions, or speeding you need to speak with an experienced Massachusetts traffic ticket attorney.
The biggest mistake people make is taking their speeding ticket too lightly and deciding not to get a lawyer. This is never smart. You may lose your license and face other harsh legal penalties if you’re found responsible for speeding tickets. By working with a skilled and experienced Massachusetts speeding ticket lawyer, you will increase your chance of beating your speeding ticket.
Massachusetts Appeal Process
After being pulled over by the police and given a speeding ticket, the driver can either pay the ticket and admit that he or she is responsible for the offense or appeal the speeding ticket. To appeal a speeding ticket the driver simply must sign the ticket requesting the appeal of the traffic or speeding ticket and mail it to the court specified on the ticket within twenty days. There is no fee for this appeal. The appeal will be heard before a clerk magistrate in the court where the offense took place. At this hearing, the police officer who gave the ticket does not need to appear. The police are represented by the police prosecutor who will usually just read a report to the clerk. The clerk will then hear from the driver and make the decision. The clerk has the option of finding the driver responsible or not responsible and either assessing the same fine or reducing the fine. You may be represented by an attorney at this hearing.
If the clerk holds you responsible for the traffic or speeding ticket, you have the right to appeal your case to a judge. At the time the clerk issues his decision he or she will advise you of the court process to appeal. There is a non-refundable fee for this appeal. After requesting the judge’s appeal the court will notify you when the hearing will be held. At the judge’s appeal, the police officer who wrote the ticket must appear. At this hearing, you have a right to question the officer in open court about your ticket. Just like at the clerk’s hearing the judge has the option of finding you responsible or not responsible and assessing the original fine or reducing the fine. You have the right to have an attorney present this case as well.
Massachusetts Speeding Ticket Penalties
The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles must impose a driver’s license suspension if you get a certain amount of tickets over a set period of time. The Massachusetts Registry imposes different suspensions if you get three speeding tickets in 12 months, three surchargeable tickets in 24 months, seven surchargeable events over 36 months, or a habitual offender penalty. Massachusetts state law requires the Registry to suspend your license for such events. Learn more about Massachusetts Driver’s License Suspensions.
Special Penalties For Young Drivers
Massachusetts also has special penalties for junior operators.
Recent Speeding Ticket Victories
Ma Speeding Ticket Attorney Patrick Donovan has saved drivers tens of thousands of dollars by successfully appealing their speeding tickets.
Boston Municipal Court
Client got a Massachusetts speeding ticket on her way to Logan Airport. The Massachusetts State Trooper used Lidar to confirm her speed. Client admitted to the trooper that she was speeding. NOT RESPONSIBLE
Client was stopped for going 84 m.ph. on the MassPike. The Massachusetts State Trooper used LIDAR to confirm her speed. Client a college student never had a Massachusetts speeding ticket in her life. NOT RESPONSIBLE
Client was caught by a Massachusetts State Trooper going 20 mph over the speed limit on the Mass Pike. The trooper used LIDAR and estimated the speed. Client appealed the Massachusetts speeding ticket and was found NOT RESPONSIBLE.
Failure to Use Care in violation of 720CMR9.06 – Client was cited for failure to use care after the client hit the car in front of him while getting on the highway. Client stated that the car in front of him stopped and he did not have enough to time to avoid hitting him. NOT RESPONSIBLE
Failure to Stop –Client did not stop at a clearly marked stop sign. A police officer happened to be there and immediately stopped the client and cited him for Failure to Stop and Yield in violation of MGL c89 s9. Attorney Donovan helped appealed the ticket to the magistrate and he was found NOT RESPONSIBLE.
Speeding – Client was stopped by police late at night going 51 in a 35. the police office clocked and estimated my client. Client has a poor driving history and has taken a driver retraining class. Client is facing a possible license loss if he is found responsible on his Massachusetts speeding ticket. Case is argued to the clerk magistrate and he is found NOT Responsible.
Speeding – Client is stopped by the Massachusetts State Police for driving 93 miles per hour in a posted 60 miles per hour zone. The State Trooper used LIDAR to confirm the speed. The client has a history of Massachusetts speeding ticket and faces a possible license loss. We appealed the ticket to a clerk magistrate and he was found NOT RESPONSIBLE.
Speeding- Client was stopped by Police in Hull for going 52 m.p.h. in a posted 35 m.p.h. The police officer used LIDAR and estimated the speed. Client appealed his Massachusetts speeding ticket to a clerk in the Hingham District Court and he was found NOT RESPONSIBLE.
Marked Lanes Violation –Client was charged with a marked lanes violation after he was involved in a car accident. Police report stated that the client was attempting to take an illegal U-turn when the accident happened. NOT RESPONSIBLE
Speeding –Client was caught going 91 mph in a 65 on the Mass. Pike. The trooper used Lidar to confirm his speed. Client appealed his Massachusetts speeding ticket. NOT RESPONSIBLE.
Speeding –Client was clocked going 47 in a 30. Officer used LIDAR and stopped the client. Officer presented a Massachusetts speeding ticket with no errors. Appealed the ticket – NOT RESPONSIBLE.
Speeding – Client was stopped for and given a Massachusetts speeding ticket for traveling 47 in a 25 mph zone. The police officer estimated the speed and confirmed it with Lidar. NOT RESPONSIBLE
Failure to Stop –Client was got a Massachusetts speeding ticket in the mail by a police officer claiming she ran a stop sign in front of the police station. Client has a perfect drivers history. Attorney Donovan successfully argued on her behalf. NOT RESPONSIBLE
Speeding –Client is received a Massachusetts speeding ticket for going 50 mph in a 30 mph by the Brookline Police. The police used Lidar and estimated on the ticket. The client had a bad drivers history and is currently on probation for drag racing. Not Responsible
Speeding –Client was got a Massachusetts speeding ticket for going 88mph in a 40 mph zone. The Massachusetts State Trooper who gave the speeding ticket used LIDAR and estimated the speed. Attorney Donovan argued that the Massachusetts State Police could not locate the ticket and the client was NOT RESPONSIBLE
Speeding –Client was got a Massachusetts speeding ticket a $230 ticket for going 38 in a 15. Client lives in NC and could not attend the East Boston Court speeding ticket appeal. Attorney Donovan represented him at the appeal and the client was found NOT RESPONSIBLE and did not have to pay any money or have any points on his insurance.
Speeding –Client was issued a Massachusetts speeding ticket for going 63 in a 35 mph on the Mass Pike. Trooper used LIDAR to record his speed. NOT RESPONSIBLE
Speeding –Client was given a Massachusetts speeding ticket for going 80 mph in a 55 mph. Client was also cited for an unsafe lane change. Client was stopped by an unmarked police after he abruptly slammed his breaks giving the police officer a “brake job” NOT RESPONSIBLE
Speeding –Client was given a speeding ticket for going 60 in a 45 mph. Client is cited by a Sgt in the Massachusetts State Police. Trooper used lidar to record her speed. Client appealed the ticket to the clerk without representation and was found responsible. Client appealed to a judge and retained Attorney Donovan. Attorney Donovan argued to judge. NOT RESPONSIBLE
Speeding –Client is given a speeding ticket by the Massachusetts State Police for driving at 84 in a 55 mph zone. State trooper estimated, clocked and Lidar the speed. NOT RESPONSIBLE
Massachusetts Speeding Ticket Lawyer
Attorney Patrick T. Donovan has represented many clients who have been given Boston and Massachusetts speeding and traffic tickets and infractions in Boston and throughout Massachusetts. Attorney Patrick T. Donovan uses his knowledge, and experience to aggressively pursue the best possible outcome for each and every one of his clients.
As a former Assistant District Attorney, Attorney Patrick Donovan is well aware of the many legal strategies both law enforcement and district attorneys will use when trying to obtain a traffic violations conviction. Mr. Donovan uses his prior knowledge as a prosecutor to his client’s advantage by challenging evidence submitted by state attorneys, investigating faulty law enforcement procedures, and ultimately building the strongest case possible for every single one of his clients.
Call Patrick T. Donovan today for your free initial consultation at 617 479-1800